Thursday, October 27, 2005

First Week of Freedom

I keep reading these really cool horoscopes for myself at Here is the latest for October 27, 2005:
You may still be in the same town, but you have reached the station and boarded a train. Any moment now, it is going to pull out and start trundling down the track. Prepare for a new venture - and a new adventure, too. You are finally in a position to honour promises that you made to yourself long ago.
A good friend of mine reminded me the other night that when I initially came down here, I was planning to relax for six months like a long term seasonal tourist. Unfortunately, that never happened since I started working a month later and now it is two years later! However, I now have the opportunity to do exactly what I set out to do in the very beginning and that's just what I plan to do.

Actually, I've been quite busy since I stopped working and wonder now how I ever managed to have a social life AND a full-time job. I remember my Mom telling me the same thing when she retired. Her life just kind of "filled up" with things to do. And before you ask, I am NOT sleeping in since it is virtually impossible to do so. The construction workers next door start every morning around 8:30AM which is when the sun peeks over the mountains. With the change in time this weekend, I am assuming they will be starting at 7:30AM next week which will be a good excuse for me to get up and out for a walk on the Malecon!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Daily Life

This is my horoscope for today, courtesy of

Peace, love, harmony and understanding? Actually, this weekend, that's quite possible. Not, of course, for a long time. That kind of thing never lasts... but it should prevail long enough to get a sensible conversation held and an important agreement reached. It may even help give rise to an inspiring idea. After which, there'll just be the same old impossible lifestyle to lead. Even here, though, there's hope. The next challenge you face will be one you enjoy rising to - not least because it ends in success.
I am feeling very relaxed and happy this morning. I just keep thinking of all the great things I can do now that I'm not working. And I've started on a few projects around the house too. Currently, I am defrosting the freezer. Normally, I would push the little red button in my fridge and come home to a small lake of cold water in my livingroom. Today, I have the freezer door wide open and am doing it the "old fashioned" way with a spatula! Hehe ... nice work on a hot day. I'm also going through my closet, sorting my clothes for the consignment shop, hoping to make a few pesos selling some stuff that I don't wear anymore.

Anyway, I have a busy day planned. The chiropractor is coming over this afternoon to adjust me and hopefully, now that I'm not working anymore, my neck, back, shoulders, arms and hands will heal. We're off to a restaurant opening early this evening for free drinks and nibblies and then probably down to the beach somewhere for a "cocktail" around sunset time. My biggest fear is getting bored so I will have to keep myself busy with something challenging. I'm thinking volunteer work but I'll have to talk to a few people before I decide what I want to do. Your opinions and suggestions are always welcome! :)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Change Is Good!

Many of you are probably wondering what I'm going to do next. As you know, I've been living in Puerto Vallarta, off and on, for the past two years. My trip home for 4.5 months during the summer of 2004 was very depressing for me and I couldn't wait to come back here. After my trip home this summer (2005), the exact opposite happened! I found I didn't want to leave Canada and come back here. Unfortunately, I had responsibilities in Vallarta to my job and had an apartment to deal with as well. So I reluctantly came back to Mexico in late July. I was hoping that by returning here, I would be able to get a clearer picture or feeling of what I wanted for my future.

One thing is certain -- I want to travel and see more of the world. Europe is calling to me; specifically Spain (now that I can speak the language), Italy (family history), Greece (who can forget Shirley Valentine?) and Ireland (more family history). Travel to Europe from Mexico is difficult for several reasons: (1) I simply don't make enough money down here to afford a ticket to Europe. (2) The only time I have off is during the summer, which is primetime everywhere else. (3) It is difficult to get anywhere from Vallarta without connecting through another airport, adding even more expense to the trip.

I will therefore be returning to Canada to live. From there, my dreams of trans-Atlantic travel can become a reality. And to be totally honest, I miss my country! I think it took a couple of years in Mexico to help me realize just how great it is living in Canada. I miss my life there -- the variety, the cleanliness, the feeling of belonging somewhere and being a part of something that is an intrinsic part of me. I even miss the hustle and bustle of living in a big, bad city like Toronto. I don't know how I can explain it without drawing comparisons between Mexico and Canada and I am really loathe to do that. And of course, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss my friends and family back home.

Living here has taught me a lot about myself and shown me that what I am capable of doing. I actually accomplished a lot more than I set out to do. Initially, I was coming here for a six month vacation but became much more entrenched by working and living here full-time. I feel now that I am equipped to deal with anything that might come my way. I will never regret making the decision to come here or staying as long as I have.

As far as the timing of departure goes, I quit my job last week and was done work today. I hope to continue living here simply as a "tourist" for the next six months and then plan to accompany a friend on the drive back to Canada, making a few scenic stops along the way and enjoying the experience to its fullest. I just wanted to put you in the loop and elicit your good vibes for my the next part of my journey. Thank you for all your love and support along the way.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Great Day!

Today was a beautiful Vallarta kind of day. Sunny, clear, breezy and hot! But not humid or it seemed less humid than it has been for the last week. Medina and I decided that a beach day was in order so we met at La Caretta at 10:30AM. She brought Frida, her 13 week old Chihuahua and we had fun watching her explore the sand and the sea. Actually, the ocean proved to be a bit too much for her so we watched her goof around all day, eating everything she could find and trying to intimidate much bigger dogs from getting too close to us. She's so entertaining I call her the Chihuahua Channel -- much better than TV! :)

We spent 7 hours at the beach and I got a bit of colour but not really burned. I'm just sort of bronzed and very, very tired. On the way home, on the corner of Naranjo and Cardenas, there was a large puddle on the corner, just beside the curb. As I strolled by, I saw 5 sparrows frollicking in the water, splashing in their makeshift bathtub. I don't know why but it just made my day and my face lit up with the biggest, goofiest smile. Sometimes Mother Nature really has a sweet way of putting things into perspective for you, doesn't she? What a Goddess ...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Hmmm ... Part Two!

I have a mouse, a rat or another type of rodent using my apartment as a route to parts unknown. EEK!

Three times in the last month, I've seen a brown rodent come in under the door, skuttle across the floor of my livingroom, right along the wall, behind the computer table and the TV table, to the kitchen, up the mop and out an opening in my kitchen wall.

I've taken to shoving two, folded, flattened cardboard boxes up against the door to block the opening. Last night, while I was lying in bed reading, I heard something. I snuck down the stairs, threw my flip flop at the door (the noise was coming from the other side) and turned on the light.

The noise stopped so I opened the door to find nothing. But whatever was out there was trying to chew throught eight layers of folded cardboard! I also had a bag of garbage on the stoop, which was totally ignored.

As a result, I am learning new Spanish words! A mouse is un raton, a rat is una rata and apparently a tlaquache is a big, dumb, ugly rodent from the opossum family. And a trap for one or all of the above is called a ratonera. The one I found tonight was only 65 pesos and big enough to hold a chihuahua!

I don't think he wants food so I don't think a trap or poison is going to work. I can't find the closest "Rent-A-Cat" in the phonebook so I think I'm going to try closing up the gap under the door with some wood. Hopefully, that will keep him busy for a while. I must remember to buy extremely HARD wood ... hmmm! :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Things That Make You Go Hmmm ...

Oprah Winfrey is a powerful woman. Her latest crusades have the potential to change the face of America. First off, she is on a manhunt for child molesters. She is offering (and paying) $100,000 of her own money to anyone who helps apprehend these creeps. She first aired a show about this subject last Friday and by yesterday (Tuesday), TWO of them had been found and arrested -- one in the U.S. and one in Belize (all of places). She is extremely passionate about this since she is a survivor of child abuse. Her second crusade deals with America's poor ... the 37 million people that live in poverty in the "richest country in the world". If anyone can make a difference, it's Oprah! She has money, power and a huge television audience. If she ran for President right now, there is no doubt in my mind that she would win! Hmmm ...

I had someone I know ask me for money the other day. This has never happened to me before moving here. In over 20 years of my working life in Canada, no one (other than a panhandler) ever asked me for money, either at work or within my circle of friends. But it has happened here, three times, from three different people, in less than a year. I don't know what to think. I earn the same as everyone else at work. I know some people make more than me because they are on salary or work more hours. I just can't figure it out. I've always been good with money and I'm never without something in my pocket. Maybe people just sense that. I just don't understand it. Hmmm ...

Someone flicked the switch here on Sunday. What I mean is the weather has changed from sweltering hot (50C/125F) to relatively cool. The other morning (Monday?) at 7AM, it was only 20C!!! I've been sleeping under my sheet and blanket since the weekend. The breeze has coolish undertones and everyone is talking about the weather. But today, it turned hot and humid again. Something weird it going on! I think it is too early for the "rainy season" to be over. Besides, it is still raining every night anyway! Hmmm ...

There's a lot more where these came from. Why is that? Hmmm ... ??? :)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

How Hot Is It?

Yesterday, the high was 90.3F or 32.4ºC but with the humidity, the heat index was more like 123.6ºF or 50.6ºC. It's almost too hot to type! :) And it felt hotter today. We might get hit with the remnants of Hurricane Stan. Even though the name sounds ineffectual, his leftovers have the potential to pack a wallop as he rolls through Mexico and affect us in some way. Locally, heavy rainfall causing life-threatening flash floods and mud slides may be possible during the next day or two from Acapulco northwestward to PV, especially in mountainous areas. Even as I type (10PM Thursday night), the rain has finally started.

I finally have a good cable signal! Things went awry about a week ago when my rather crappy television reception disappeared totally leaving nothing for me to watch but a fuzzy white screen. At first I just thought the cable was out (again). The internet goes down and the electricity goes out often down here. After about a week with no Law & Order, I decided to follow the cable from my TV to the roof. Once there, I discovered a pile of wire shavings and my cable lying on the ground. In its place, another coaxial cable was plugged into my spot. Funny thing -- that particular cable ran across the street and into the house/store on the corner! My neighbour and I removed the offending cable, replaced mine and secured it with electrical tape.

Today again, no cable. I wasn't home but my girlfriend was here, using my computer and watching my TV. Or at least she was trying to watch my TV and couldn't. Back up to the roof they went, only to discover that the cable thieves had removed the whole junction box and now no one has cable! Did I mention my neighbour is a smart guy? He gets DSL internet service through a cable company here and we share the cost by using a wireless router. One of the women at work gave me a whack of cable and a splitter so he used that to hack into the internet line and VOILA! I have a clean, clear picture on my TV now. So I guess the lesson is, don't pay extra for cable service if you've already got DSL via cable. The TV signal is imbedded in the line! (And please don't report us to the Mexican authorities!)

As many of you know, last Sunday was my birthday and I'm proud to say that I did absolutely nothing on my birthday except lie around in bed for most of the day. It's not like I had a choice. And before you think I was enjoying some type of steamy tryst with a red hot latin lover, I was hungover to a point close to death. LOL Foolishly, I agreed to let two of my co-workers (both young, handsome men but on the other team, if you know what I mean) buy me "a drink" for my birthday at our favourite martini bar. Several martinis and one mysterious frothy drink later, I found myself on centre stage at Paco Paco, an infamous gay bar here in Vallarta.

I paid 50 pesos to enter and received a free beer. I bought them each a beer and barely remember the rest of the evening! I watched them shoot a game of pool and when they decided to head upstairs to watch the strippers, I left down the winding staircase to street level. Once there, I realized I was in no shape to walk home, even if it was only six blocks. I also knew enough not to get into a car with a strange man so that ruled out taking a taxi. I headed back to the martini bar and found my favourite Canadian bartender closing up. He agreed to walk me to my door. Anyway, I missed a passle of phone calls in the morning from my family and friends because I couldn't make it from the bed to the dresser. What can I say? I'm an old woman ... haha!

My friend Linda sent me a lovely ecard with the following message: "Seems to me you've made it a life's mission not to be ordinary. And guess what? You've succeeded ...". Thanks Linda. That means a lot to me! And thanks to everyone else for their calls, emails and messages online. I've made some decisions about my life, as is my wont to do every year on my birthday. I don't believe in New Year's resolutions unless it is MY new year. Anyway, I am working out a few details but I hope to be able to share the news with you sometime before the end of the month so hang tight OK? Just don't get tight ... unless you really want to feel bad the next morning. :)