Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm All Blogged Down

I don't know if anyone's noticed that I haven't been blogging a lot lately. I have any number of excuses but the main one is I am trying to avoid using the computer in order to spare my hands, arms and neck. I am still experiencing pain, aches, tingles, etc. in my upper extremities. It seems to worsen the more I use the computer. *sigh* So I tend to go in spurts and starts -- checking my email, posting on the Vallarta Scene bulletin board, checking my bank balance and then signing off. Anyway, I apologize to anyone who keeps checking here for new blogs. I've been working on a long blog/trip report of my trip to Guadalajara but so far, it isn't finished. Stay tuned for that one! Hopefully, I will have photos to go with it soon.

My other whiney-assed problem (if you're still listening) is the construction workers next door. They are renovating the three storey building on the corner. And by "renovating", I mean knocking down walls, jack hammering concrete floors, ripping out re-bar, etc. Imagine a lot of banging, pounding, drilling, tile cutting, buzz sawing, etc. All that I can handle because it is part of the construction process but lately, the workers have decided they need MUSIC to swing their hammers by so ... someone brought in a boombox. Again, that in itself is not too bad. I don't mind a little music. HOWEVER, I do draw the line at ear-splitting banda music from 8AM to 6PM, seven days a week (yes, they're working Sundays too!). It's so loud, I keep checking my ears to make sure they are not bleeding. I can't read. I can't write. I can't take a siesta. I can't listen to my own music. I can't watch TV. I can't talk on the phone. I can hardly hear myself think!

I tried to call my landlord to see if there was anything he could do but he couldn't hear me over the music! So I might have to call in the "big guns". My friend "Big Greg" is a big, African American ex-pat who happens to be totally fluent in "construction worker" Spanish. LOL I'm going to ask him to be my enforcer for a day and have a casual chat with those guys!

I don't know if I mentioned in a past blog about one my bestest gal pals and fellow Goddess, Heidi, shaved her head for charity. They had a big campaign for The United Way at the law firm where she works and someone came up with the idea that some of the lawyers should offer to shave their heads in order to raise some money. Heidi has always wanted to shave her head (who hasn't?) and jumped into the fray. After raising over $700 for the cause, some political SNAFU resulted in the "shave off" being called off. But Heidi was undaunted! With all that money for charity at stake, she decided to go ahead with her plan and went downstairs to the barber shop in her office tower, downtown Toronto, and told him to "take it all off". The barber, at first, wasn't sure she was serious but after she explained the situation, he agreed and started buzzing away. Somehow the Toronto Star got wind of the story and ran it as part of an article on charitable acts. They called it a "hair raising" way to raise money. And while in Vallarta last month, my hairdresser bleached her hair an incredible plantinum blonde!

Anyway, her 15 minutes of fame has now expired so I just wanted to give her another public pat on the back for doing such a fabulous thing. Well done amiga!!! You're such a Goddess.

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