Thursday, August 11, 2005

Getting a BANG Out of Church

Since Sunday morning, I've been hearing loud and continuous explosions close to my house. At first I thought someone was firing a weapon. Then I thought the Navy was out in the Bay doing something funny. Finally, someone clued me into the fact that the next neighbourhood, Colonia Caloso, was celebrating a festival involving their church and, instead of ringing the bells to get people to attend mass, they were setting off bombas (firecrackers) at the necessary times. What kind of culture feels it necessary to SCARE their parishoners into church??? Anyway, I haven't needed to use my clock radio all week to wake up. The "bombs" go off at 6AM, 6:15AM, 7AM and 8:30AM. Oh, and in the evening too for several hours! I am assured that this too shall pass ... LOL

I don't have too much else to report. I was down and out all day on Monday with some type of intestinal disorder which required me to stay close to my bathroom. Apparently, it wasn't necessarily anything I ate as a number of other people (Nationals and ex-pats alike) were all struck by this "bug". I got over it in about 12 hours. One of my friends was down and out for two days!

Speaking of bugs, I just had the scare of my life! If my hair wasn't tied into a tight ponytail on top of my head, I'm sure it would have stood on end all by itself. I actually decided to cook tonight and pulled my little personal grill out to cook two chicken breasts. Imagine my surprise when I lifted the lid and a HUGE beetle/cricket/cockroach-type creature stared at me, licking his chops. He scuttled into the grease catcher underneath and that's when I knew I had him! I grabbed a lid from a plastic bowl, slid the tray out slowly and covered it quickly with the lid. My unwanted dinner guest went out the window! Now I have to disinfect everything. *sigh*

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